
A selector uniquely identifies an element, or an attribute of an element, within a page with the use of a CSS selector or XPath expression. A selector is one form of identifier.








$"#element-id" CSS selector matching against the element id attribute.
$"#element-id".title CSS selector referencing the title attribute of the
matched element.
$"//*[@id='element-id']" XPath expression matching against the element id attribute.
$"//*[@id='element-id']".title XPath expression referencing the title attribute of
the matched element.
$".listed-item":1 Finding the first matched item from the start of the list.
$".listed-item":1.title Finding the title attribute of the first matched item
from the start of the list.
$".listed-item":3 Finding the third matched item from the start of the list.
$".listed-item":-1 Finding the first matched item from the end of the list.
$".listed-item":-3 Finding the third matched item from the end of the list.
$".listed-item":first Special position keyword first is equivalent to :1.
$".listed-item":last Special position keyword last is equivalent to :-1.