Descendant Selectors

A descendant selector uniquely identifies an element (descendant) relative to another element (ancestor). The targeted descendant need not be a direct descendant of the given ancestor.

A descendant selector may be used to target an element by means of an ancestor > descendant relationship which is otherwise not possible or impractical using a single CSS- or XPath-based selector.


{selector} >> {selector}[ >> {selector}]




$"#ancestor" >> $"#descendant" CSS selector descendant within the scope
of a CSS selector ancestor.
$"//*[@id='ancestor']" >> $"//*[@id='descendant']" XPath expression descendant within the scope
of an XPath expression ancestor.
$"#ancestor" >> $"//*[@id='descendant']" XPath expression descendant within the scope
of a CSS selector ancestor.
$"//*[@id='ancestor']" >> $"#descendant" CSS selector descendant within the scope
of an XPath expression ancestor.
$"#grandparent" >> $"#parent" >> $"#child" Targeting the child of a parent which itself
is the child of a grandparent.
$".grandparent" >> $".parent":2 >> $".child":4 Targeting the fourth child of the second child
of the grandparent.